News is not just "released" - it's managed

A news release is probably the fastest and most cost-effective instrument for telling the investor community, business partners, and other target groups what you want them to know about your company.

Sure, news needs to be “released”, but that’s near the end of the process. To be fully effective, news must be carefully managed from the beginning. We strongly recommend to start with developing a mid-to-long-term news flow calendar. Next, we can help with identifying potential topics, draft your news release, select the media relevant to your business, and to distribute it.

Often, a Q+A document will be prepared together with the news to ensure the company sings from the same song-sheet when asked about the announcement – both from employees and from the outside.

Post-release, you may want to receive a report on coverage. Finally, there may be follow-up media calls and emails – after all, we wanted to spark interest in the company. To make full use of this opportunity, the CEO or CFO should make themselves available. However, don’t answer cold calls. Have someone screen and prioritize inquiries and draft the appropriate
response for you.

return on communications